About Me
I am a Research Engineer at Adobe focusing on Human-Computer Interaction. I received my PhD in Computer Science from UC San Diego, where I worked in the Design Lab. My dissertation focused on supporting and improving peoples' creativity while they work with digital tools by harvesting existing expert content & presenting it in context.
Before joining UCSD, I completed my Honours Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto with a Specialist in Math & Computer Science and a Major in Music.
I love music (playing, singing, listening, writing), photography, and pretty much anything involving being outdoors.
Email: fraser@adobe.com

AI-Powered Video Editing

Multimodal Help-Seeking

Contextual Video Assistance for Cross-Application Creative Work

Creative Livestreaming

Interactive Guidance Techniques for Creative Feedback

Task Distribution for Collocated Workers

Action Suggestions for Complex Software

Framing Peer Feedback
C. Ailie Fraser, Julia M. Markel, N. James Basa, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2020. ReMap: Lowering the Barrier to Help-Seeking with Multimodal Search. UIST '20.
C. Ailie Fraser, Joy Kim, Valentina Shin, Joel Brandt, and Mira Dontcheva. 2020.
Temporal Segmentation of Creative Live Streams. CHI '20, Honolulu, HI, USA.
C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Joy Kim, and Scott Klemmer. 2020. How Live Streaming Does (and Doesn't) Change Creative Practices. interactions Jan/Feb 2020.
C. Ailie Fraser, Joy Kim, Alison Thornsberry, Scott Klemmer, and Mira Dontcheva. 2019. Sharing the Studio: How Creative Livestreaming can Inspire, Educate, and Engage. Creativity & Cognition '19, San Diego, CA, USA.
C. Ailie Fraser, Tricia J. Ngoon, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2019. RePlay: Contextually Presenting Learning Videos Across Software Applications. CHI '19, Glasgow, Scotland. Honorable Mention.
Tricia J. Ngoon, C. Ailie Fraser, Ariel S. Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2018. Interactive Guidance Techniques for Improving Creative Feedback. CHI '18, Montréal, QC, Canada. Honorable Mention.
C. Ailie Fraser, Tovi Grossman, and George Fitzmaurice. 2017. WeBuild: Automatically Distributing Assembly Tasks Among Collocated Workers to Improve Coordination. CHI '17, Denver, CO, USA.
C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Holger Winnemöller, Sheryl Ehrlich, and Scott R. Klemmer. 2016. DiscoverySpace: Suggesting Actions in Complex Software. DIS ’16, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Catherine M. Hicks, Vineet Pandey, C. Ailie Fraser, and Scott R. Klemmer. 2016. Framing Feedback: Choosing Review Environment Features that Support High Quality Peer Assessment. CHI ’16, San Jose, CA, USA.
Extended Abstracts
C. Ailie Fraser, Julia M. Markel, N. James Basa, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2019. ReMap: Multimodal Help-Seeking. UIST '19, New Orleans, LA, USA. (Demo, Poster)
C. Ailie Fraser, Joy Kim, Scott Klemmer, and Mira Dontcheva. 2019. Creative livestreaming: How sharing one’s process can inspire, educate, and engage. CHI '19 Live Streaming Workshop, Glasgow, Scotland. (Workshop Paper)
C. Ailie Fraser. 2018. The Right Content at the Right Time: Contextual Examples for Just-in-time Creative Learning. UIST '18 Doctoral Symposium, Berlin, Germany. (Poster)
C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2018. Software videos: Rich content and learning potential, but a challenge for sensemaking. CHI '18 Sensemaking Workshop, Montreal, QC, Canada. (Workshop Paper)
C. Ailie Fraser, Tricia J. Ngoon, Ariel S. Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, and Scott Klemmer. 2017. CritiqueKit: A Mixed-Initiative, Real-Time Interface For Improving Feedback. UIST '17, Québec City, QC, Canada. (Demo, Poster)
C. Ailie Fraser, Mira Dontcheva, Holger Winnemöller, and Scott R. Klemmer. 2016. DiscoverySpace: Crowdsourced Suggestions Onboard Novices in Complex Software. CSCW '16, San Francisco, CA, USA. (Demo)
Catherine M. Hicks, C. Ailie Fraser, Purvi Desai, and Scott R. Klemmer. 2015. Do numeric ratings impact peer reviewers? Learning at Scale '15, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Poster)
C. Ailie Fraser. 2020. Contextually Recommending Expert Help and Demonstrations to Improve Creativity. UC San Diego. (Defense Slides)

Graduate Women in Computing @ UCSD

Web Design & Development


Music Composition

A Cappella

Camp Wabikon